Anna Philippa-Touchais, Gilles Touchais, Sophia Voutsaki, James Wright (ed.),
Mesohelladika: la Grèce continentale au Bronze Moyen. Actes du colloque international organisé par l' École française d' Athènes, en collaboration avec l' American School of Classical studies at Athens et le Netherlands Institute in Athens, Athènes 8-12 mars 2006. BCH Supplements 52. Athènes: École française d' Athènes, 2010. Pp. 1046. ISBN 9782869582101. €120.00.
Reviewed by Irene Nikolakopoulou, Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies (
Version at BMCR home site
[Authors and titles are listed at the end of the review.]
This impressive volume of 1046 pages is the publication of the proceedings of a conference on the Greek Mainland in the Bronze Age held in Athens in March 2006, organised by the French School at Athens, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Netherlands Institute in Athens. The volume includes 63 papers and 28 posters in Greek, English and French, each conveniently preceded by short abstracts in the two languages other than that of the paper or poster. The book opens with a preface by the directors of the three organising Schools and an introduction by the editors. There then follows a useful list of abbreviations of publications and chronological subdivisions, as bibliographical references are included in the footnotes of each paper. This book aims to bring to the forefront hard evidence which it is hoped will generate fruitful discussion on whether Middle Helladic (MH) Greece is still to be considered "The Third World" of the Aegean1 in terms of cultural level and social processes.
In his usual vivid and succinct way, Oliver Dickinson uses his keynote paper to provide the broader background to many of the hotly debated issues in the study of MH society. Naturally, many of the contributions that follow in the main body of the book are strongly empirical in approach, presenting evidence that helps to fill material, geographical, and chronological gaps, including data from the application of cutting-edge scientific methods. The editors have effectively opted to organise the large number of papers in seven thematic sections, including the poster presentations in the relevant parts. Inevitably, some papers discuss evidence related to more than one sections, but on the whole the outline of the book works for the reader. Nonetheless, the empirical and thematic foci work well together, as an effort is made by the editors to cluster papers presenting evidence from specific sites in broad geographical/regional terms within each thematic section.
The first section is the longest, as it includes 27 papers and posters on Topography and Settlement. Reports on new evidence, mostly retrieved in rescue excavations conducted by the Greek Archaeological Service, as well as thorough restudy of older material, provide us with the essential information for the reconsideration of settlement patterns, social organisation and local sequences. The clarification of Middle Bronze Age (MBA) site stratigraphies and the refinement of chronological phasing will hopefully trigger a much needed boost to research, allowing a comprehensive review of our perceptions of the nature of MH sites and their interaction patterns. Perhaps, however, the most welcome addition is the filling of the gaps in our knowledge of the habitation patterns of areas largely under-represented in the archaeological record. Starting with the Peloponnese, this is the case for Troezenia, with important discoveries at Megali Magoula, Galatas, presented by Konsolaki-Yiannopoulou; and Achaia, with reports on the sites of Pagona in the hinterland of modern Patras by Dietz and Stavropoulou-Gatsi, Aigion by Papazoglou-Manioudaki, and Aigeira by Alram-Stern. Similarly, Rambach offers an overview of recent research at MH sites in Elis and Messenia in the western Peloponnese, while evidence from Laconia is presented by Crouwel, on the important site of the acropolis of Geraki, and Zavvou, who reviews finds from known and newly located sites in the area of Sparta and wider Laconia. Synthetic approaches as a result of restudy of older material enhance our understanding of sites in the Argolid and Messenia (see papers by Demakopoulou and Divari-Valakou, Shelton, Davis and Stocker, Zavadil), while an insular detour extends the boundaries of the MH world to include the important site of Aegina, Kolonna discussed in Gauss and Smetana; the site of Lazarides on the same island presented by Sgouritsa; and the MBA acropolis at Sklavos, Salamis, with surface survey finds reviewed by Lolos. The MH period in Attica is now better understood both in regional and chronological terms as demonstrated by new evidence and restudied material discussed in five papers and one poster. A synthetic approach to the archaeological record for MH Attica by Papadimitriou argues that most sites, with the exception of Thorikos, retained a strong MH character well into the Late Helladic (LH) period. Moving further to Central Greece and Thessaly, balance is restored with new evidence shedding light on insufficiently known MH habitation patterns in the areas of Navpactia, Achaea Phthiotis and Karditsa, and focus on the MBA levels from the renowned sites at Eretria in Euboea, Palamari on the island of Skyros, and Dimini in Thessaly.
The second section of the volume comprises 15 papers and posters on Mortuary Practices and Physical Anthropology. Apart from a series of papers on new information and critical discussion on grave types and funerary practices in the Argolid and Central Greece, significant contributions by physical anthropologists and other forensic scientists included in this section testify to the emergence of bio-archaeology as a promising field in recent years. The anthropological and analytical data retrieved from the study of human bones and teeth, including breakthrough DNA analysis and facial reconstruction of human remains from Mycenae and Lerna, allow for critical insights into the study of MH populations, such as the detection of nutrition and subsistence habits and the nature of diseases, as well as the reconstruction of socioeconomic patterns and kinship relations.
Given that the fields of Symbolism and Ritual in MH Greece are still considered blurry areas due to lack of related evidence, the five papers in the third section of the volume embark upon a challenging venture. Yiannouli and Blakolmer draw on evidence from weapons and iconography respectively to discuss symbolic meanings, while Theodorou-Mavrommatidi, Whittaker and Tranta-Nikoli delve into manifestations of religious beliefs and ritual action in MH societies. In view of the limitations of the material, the contributions present informative arguments on the use of hard evidence to infer ideological aspects building on a sound methodology.
The fact that only ten papers and posters discuss Pottery and Chronology in the fourth section of the book testifies to a shift in current research interests, as also noted by the editors in the concluding remarks. Nonetheless, this field undoubtedly constitutes the backbone for any further approach to archaeological data.2 Therefore, papers by Cosmopoulos on Eleusis, Stamoudi on Kastro Lamias, Papakonstantinou and Sakkas on Amouri in the Spercheios valley and Froussou on Neo Monastiri Phthiotidas provide a better understanding of local sequences and ceramic production and complement the first section of the book in enriching data on insufficiently known areas. A thorough re-evaluation of distinctive MH pottery classes, exploring specific characteristics, chronological attributions and geographical distribution, is presented in papers by Dakoronia, Sarri, Overbeck and Mathioudaki. On a more methodological note, Gauss presents the research database implemented as an instrumental tool for the classification of the pottery from Aegina Kolonna, while Voutsaki et al. stress the significance of the application of radiocarbon dating methods on well-stratified contexts from MH Lerna.
In the fifth section on Production, Technology and Economy, two main fields are addressed. One is related to dietary and subsistence patterns in MH Mainland Greece and Aegina Kolonna, examined in two papers and a poster drawing on archaeozoological, archaeobotanical and marine data. The other is artefact production and consumption, discussed in three papers by Skorda, Spencer and Kiriatzi on pottery and one by Kayafa on metallurgy, with particular emphasis on technological practices and their social contexts. These integrated approaches reflect meaningful advances in the study of material assemblages, in that they can be inherently linked with issues discussed in the next section on social organisation and change. Of particular interest is the critical assessment of the outlook of material production during and towards the end of the MH period, with a view to exploring the big issue of the rise of the LH cultural phenomenon. Given that the MH period has been traditionally, and not without good reason, considered as unexciting in artistic expression and technological advances, a closer look at material production and consumption certainly has the potential to revise fundamentally these long-standing views.
Along similar lines, but on a more theoretical level, four papers and one poster in the sixth section explore aspects of Social Organisation and Social Change in MH Greece. Drawing on the archaeological record, Bintliff, Voutsaki, Philippa-Touchais and Wright offer socio-political perspectives into aspects of demography, domestic economy, settlement planning and social group identities and interaction. Hitchcock and Chapin emphasise the need for a closer look at the data from Laconia on MH exchange networks and the emergence of elite groups. These insights aim towards a more subtle understanding of social dynamics and social change in MH communities, moving a step forward from the traditional quest for the formative processes that led to the rise of social complexity in Mycenaean societies.
Finally, a lengthy section with twenty papers and posters is dedicated to External Relations and Interaction. The almost pejorative treatment of MH culture(s) in Aegean Bronze Age studies has inevitably stemmed from comparison with the preceding EH and the following LH periods, but, possibly more influentially, from comparison with the contemporary thriving Middle Minoan and Middle Cycladic cultural groups and social structures. For this reason, this section is significant in that it places the MH in the wider context of interactions and synchronisms in the Aegean and beyond. While most of the papers on the Cyclades, Crete and the northeast Aegean (the island of Lemnos and western Anatolia) focus on the presentation of local sequences and traits at each site, interesting links with the Mainland are attested in terms of interaction and synchronisms. Evidence from Macedonia, a broad area at the periphery of the MH world which has not yet received due attention in Bronze Age studies, is discussed in a series of papers and posters bringing to light new data and exploring secular aspects, burial practices and interaction. Metallinou reviews the evidence from Corfu, an island with interesting interaction patterns due to its strategic location. The main body of the book is completed with glimpses into MBA material culture from two sites outside the borders of modern Greece, Sovjan in southeastern Albania and Vivara in Italy.
In the concluding remarks the editors emphasise the multifaceted contribution of the papers presented in the conference to the current state of research. Indeed, the compilation of topics in this volume reflects a much needed integrated approach to a disputed era. While due emphasis is unavoidably placed on problematic transitional phases at the beginning and end of the period and the big question of the origins of Mycenaean culture, it becomes evident that the main issue of bringing centre-stage the MH as a distinct cultural period is successfully addressed. This latter point is best exemplified by the misbalance attested among the sections of the book: the most numerous, the first section on the dissemination of data from MH sites and the last section on MH external relations, raise new questions about the uniformity of the MH culture(s) and the nature of interregional interactions in MBA Aegean and beyond.
The volume is certainly not meant to be read cover to cover, but it will definitely be used as a principal reference tool for scholars. The editors are to be commended for the quality of the publication, not least for the very few typographical errors in such a large volume. Illustrations are conveniently set at the end of each paper/poster. However, more plates for ceramic material, especially in colour, and petrographic thin sections would be most welcome by specialists, as only a small number of colour plates is reserved for sherd material from Vivara. A map with all sites mentioned would also be very useful and representative of the breadth of the areas covered in the book.
To sum up, it is too early to judge whether this collective volume represents in itself a rewriting of the history of the MH period, as all data needs to be brought together and assessed in future synthetic work. Nonetheless, it undoubtedly instigates a thought-provoking re-evaluation of the MH communities and it will certainly be at the centre of scholarly debate on the nature of this intriguing period.
Préface, par Dominique MULLIEZ, Directeur de l'EFA 1
Stephen V. TRACY, Directeur de l'ASCSA et 2
Gert Jan VAN WIJNGARTEN, Directeur du NIA 2
Introduction 3
Liste des abréviations 7
Conférence inaugurale, par Oliver DICKINSON : The "Third World" of the Aegean? Middle Helladic Greece Revisited 13
Katie DEMAKOPOULOU and Nicoletta DIVARI-VALAKOU, The Middle Helladic Settlement on the Acropolis of Midea 31-44
Άλκηστη ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Οι ανασκαφές στο Νοσοκομείο του Άργους 45-56
Kim SHELTON, Living and Dying in and around Middle Helladic Mycenae 57-65
Eleni KONSOLAKI-YIANNOPOULOU, The Middle Helladic Establishment at Megali Magoula, Galatas (Troezenia) 67-76
Joost CROUWEL, Middle Helladic Occupation at Geraki, Laconia 77-86
Eλένη ZΑΒΒΟΎ, Eυρήματα της μεσοελλαδικής και της πρώιμης μυκηναϊκής εποχής από τη Σπάρτη και τη Λακωνία. 87-99
Jack L. DAVIS and Sharon R. STOCKER, Early Helladic and Middle Helladic Pylos: The Petropoulos Trenches and Pre-Mycenaean Remains on the Englianos Ridge 101-106
Jörg RAMBACH, Πρόσφατες έρευνες σε μεσοελλαδικές θέσεις της δυτικής Πελοποννήσου 107-119
Søren DIETZ and Maria STAVROPOULOU-GATSI, Pagona and the Transition from Middle Helladic to Mycenaean in Northwestern Peloponnese 121-128
Lena PAPAZOGLOU-MANIOUDAKI, The Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I Periodsat Aigion in Achaia 129-141
Eva ALRAM-STERN, Aigeira and the Beginning of the Middle Helladic Period in Achaia 143-150
Michaela ZAVADIL, The Peloponnese in the Middle Bronze Age: An Overview 151-163
Walter GAUSS and Rudolfine SMETANA, Aegina Kolonna in the Middle Bronze Age 165-174
Naya SGOURITSA, Lazarides on Aegina: Another Prehistoric Site (poster). 175-180
Γιάννος Γ. ΛΩΛΟΣ, Σκλάβος: ένα μεσοελλαδικό ορόσημο στη νότια ακτή της Σαλαμίνος (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 181-185
Γιάννα ΒΕΝΙΕΡΗ, Νέα στοιχεία για την κατοίκηση στη νότια πλευρά της Ακρόπολης των Αθηνών κατά τη μεσοελλαδική περίοδο: ευρήματα από την ανασκαφή στο οικόπεδο Μακρυγιάννη 187-198
Όλγα ΚΑΚΑΒΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ και Κερασία ΝΤΟΥΝΗ, Η μεσοελλαδική εποχή στη νοτιοανατολική Αττική 199-210
Konstantinos KALOGEROPOULOS, Middle Helladic Human Activity in Eastern Attica: The Case of Brauron 211-221
Jeannette FORSÉN, Aphidna in Attica Revisited 223-234
† Μαρία ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΑΚΟΥ, Μεσοελλαδικές θέσεις στη Λαυρεωτική και τη νοτιοανατολική Αττική (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 235-242
Nikolas PAPADIMITRIOU, Attica in the Middle Helladic Period 243-257
Φωτεινή ΣΑΡΑΝΤΗ, Νέοι οικισμοί της Μέσης Εποχής του Χαλκού στην επαρχία Ναυπακτίας (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 259-267
Sylvie MÜLLER CELKA, L'occupation d'Érétrie (Eubée) à l'Helladique Moyen (poster) 269-279
Λιάνα ΠΑΡΛΑΜΑ, Mαρία ΘΕΟΧΑΡΗ, Σταμάτης ΜΠΟΝΑΤΣΟΣ, Xριστίνα PΩΜΑΝΟΥ και Γιάννης MΑΝΟΣ, Παλαμάρι Σκύρου: η πόλη της Mέσης Xαλκοκρατίας (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 281-289
Anthi BATZIOU-EFSTATHIOU, Kastraki, a New Bronze Age Settlement in Achaea Phthiotis 291-300
Βασιλική ΑΔΡΥΜΗ-ΣΙΣΜΑΝΗ, Το Διμήνι στη Μέση Εποχή Χαλκού 301-313
Λεωνίδας Π. ΧΑΤΖΗΑΓΓΕΛΑΚΗΣ, Νεότερα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα της Μέσης Εποχής Χαλκού στο Νομό Καρδίτσας 315-329
Anna LAGIA and William CAVANAGH, Burials from Kouphovouno, Sparta, Lakonia 333-346
Eleni MILKA, Burials upon the Ruins of Abandoned Houses in the Middle Helladic Argolid 347-355
Ελένη ΠΑΛΑΙΟΛΟΓΟΥ, Μεσοελλαδικοί τάφοι από τη Μιδέα 357-365
Olivier PELON, Les tombes à fosse de Mycènes : rupture ou continuité ? 367-376
Vassilis ARAVANTINOS and Kyriaki PSARAKI, The Middle Helladic Cemeteries of Thebes. General Review and Remarks in the Light of New Investigations and Finds 377-395
Laetitia PHIALON, Funerary Practices in Central Greece from the Middle Helladic into the Early Mycenaean Period (poster) 397-402
Vassilis P. PETRAKIS, Diversity in Form and Practice in Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean Elaborate Tombs: An Approach to Changing Prestige Expression in Changing Times 403-416
Maia POMADÈRE, De l'indifférenciation à la discrimination spatiale des sépultures? Variété des comportements à l'égard des enfants morts pendant l'HM-HR I 417-429
Florian RUPPENSTEIN, Gender and Regional Differences in Middle Helladic Burial Customs 431-439
Sevi TRIANTAPHYLLOU, Prospects for Reconstructing the Lives of Middle Helladic Populations in the Argolid: Past and Present of Human Bone Studies 441-451
Abi BOUWMAN, Keri BROWN and John PRAG, Middle Helladic Kinship : Families, Faces and DNA at Mycenae 453-459
Robert ARNOTT and Antonia MORGAN-FORSTER, Health and Disease in Middle Helladic Greece 461-470
Anne INGVARSSON-SUNDSTRÖM, Tooth Counts and Individuals: Health Status in the East Cemetery and Barbouna at Asine as Interpreted from Teeth (poster) 471-477
Fabian KANZ, Karl GROSSSCHMIDT and Jan KIESSLICH, Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna : An Anthropology of Newborn Children (poster) 479-487
Leda KOVATSI, Dimitra NIKOU, Sofia KOUIDOU-ANDREOU, Sevi TRIANTAPHYLLOU, Carol ZERNER and Sofia VOUTSAKI, Ancient DNA Analysis of Human Remains from Middle Helladic Lerna (poster) 489-494
Evyenia YIANNOULI, Middle Helladic between Minoan and Mycenaean: On the Symbolic Meaning of Offensive Instruments 497-507
Fritz BLAKOLMER, The Iconography of the Shaft Grave Period as Evidence for a Middle Helladic Tradition of Figurative Arts? 509-519
Anthi THEODOROU-MAVROMMATIDI, Defining Ritual Action. A Middle Helladic Pit at the Site of Apollo Maleatas in Epidauros 521-533
Helène WHITTAKER, Some Thoughts on Middle Helladic Religious Beliefs and Ritual and their Significance in Relation to Social Structure 535-543
Alexandra TRANTA-NIKOLI, Elements of Middle Helladic Religious Tradition and their Survival in Mycenaean Religion (poster) 545-548
Michael B. COSMOPOULOS, The Middle Helladic Stratigraphy of Eleusis 551-556
Αικατερίνη ΣΤΑΜΟΥΔH, Η μεσοελλαδική κατοίκηση στο Κάστρο Λαμίας. Κεραμεικές ακολουθίες και ιδιαιτερότητες στην κοιλάδα του Σπερχειού.. 557-571
Fanouria DAKORONIA, Delphi-Kirrha-Pefkakia via Spercheios Valley : Matt-Painted Pottery as Sign of Intercommunication 573-581
Μαρία-Φωτεινή ΠΑΠΑΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ και Δημήτρης Ν. ΣΑΚΚΑΣ, Μεσοελλαδική κεραμική από το Αμούρι στην κοιλάδα του Σπερχειού (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 583-590
Ελένη ΦΡΟΥΣΣΟΥ, Η μετάβαση από τη Μέση στην Ύστερη Εποχή Χαλκού στο Νέο Μοναστήρι Φθιώτιδας (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 591-601
Kalliope SARRI, Minyan and Minyanizing Pottery. Myth and Reality about a Middle Helladic Type Fossil 603-613
John C. OVERBECK, The Middle Helladic Origin of "Shaft-Grave Polychrome" Ware 615-619
Iro MATHIOUDAKI, "Mainland Polychrome" Pottery : Definition, Chronology, Typological Correlations 621-633
Walter GAUSS, Aegina Kolonna. Pottery Classification and Research Database (poster) 635-640
Sofia VOUTSAKI, Albert NIJBOER and Carol ZERNER, Radiocarbon Analysis and Middle Helladic Lerna (poster) 641-647
Δέσποινα ΣΚΟΡΔΑ, Κίρρα: οι κεραμεικοί κλίβανοι του προϊστορικού οικισμού στη μετάβαση από τη μεσοελλαδική στην υστεροελλαδική εποχή 651-668
Lindsay SPENCER, The Regional Specialisation of Ceramic Production in the EH III through MH II Period 669-681
Evangelia KIRIATZI, "Minoanising" Pottery Traditions in the Southwest Aegean during the Middle Bronze Age: Understanding the Social Context of Technological and Consumption Practice 683-699
Maria KAYAFA, Middle Helladic Metallurgy and Metalworking : Review of the Archaeological and Archaeometric Evidence from the Peloponnese 701-711
Ιωάννης Δ. ΦΑΠΠΑΣ, Από τη Μέση στην Ύστερη Εποχή Χαλκού: μια οικοτεχνική δραστηριότητα στον Βοιωτικό Ορχομενό 713-719
Armelle GARDEISEN, Approche comparative de contextes du Bronze Moyen égéen à travers les données de l'archéozoologie 721-732
Gerhard FORSTENPOINTNER, Alfred GALIK, Gerald E. WEISSENGRUBER, Stefan ZOHMANN, Ursula THANHEISER and Walter GAUSS, Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna :Patterns of Husbandry, Hunting and Agriculture 733-742
Alfred GALIK, Stefan ZOHMANN, Gerhard FORSTENPOINTNER, Gerald WEISSENGRUBER and Walter GAUSS, Subsistence and more in Middle Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna : Exploitation of Marine Resources (poster) 743-751
John BINTLIFF, The Middle Bronze Age through the Surface Survey Record of the Greek Mainland: Demographic and Sociopolitical Insights 755-763
Sofia VOUTSAKI, The Domestic Economy in Middle Helladic Asine 765-779
Anna PHILIPPA-TOUCHAIS, Settlement Planning and Social Organisation in Middle Helladic Greece 781-801
James C. WRIGHT, Towards a Social Archaeology of Middle Helladic Greece 803-815
Louise A. HITCHCOCK and Anne P. CHAPIN, Lacuna in Laconia : Why were there no Middle Helladic Palaces ? (poster) 817-822
Peggy SOTIRAKOPOULOU, The Cycladic Middle Bronze Age : A "Dark Age" in Aegean Prehistory or a Dark Spot in Archaeological Research 825-839
Donna May CREGO, Ayia Irini IV: A Distribution Center for the Middle Helladic World ? (poster) 841-845
Gerald CADOGAN and Katerina KOPAKA, Coping with the Offshore Giant: Middle Helladic Interactions with Middle Minoan Crete 847-858
Luca GIRELLA, MH III and MM III : Ceramic Synchronisms in the Transition to the Late Bronze Age 859-873
Aleydis VAN DE MOORTEL, Interconnections between the Western Mesara and the Aegean in the Middle Bronze Age 875-884
Tomáš ALUŠÍK, Middle Helladic and Middle Minoan Defensive Architecture: A Comparison (poster) 885-889
Christos BOULOTIS, Koukonisi (Lemnos), un site portuaire florissant du Bronze Moyen et du début du Bronze Récent dans le Nord de l'Égée 891-907
Vassilis P. PETRAKIS and Panagiotis MOUTZOURIDIS, Grey Ware(s) from the Bronze Age Settlement of Koukonisi on Lemnos : First Presentation (poster) 909-917
Massimo CULTRARO, In Death not Separated. Evidence of Middle Bronze Age Intramural Burials at Poliochni on Lemnos 919-930
Peter PAVÚK, Minyan or not? The Second Millennium Grey Ware in Western Anatolia and its Relation to Mainland Greece 931-943
Ιωάννης ΑΣΛΑΝΗΣ, Στοιχεία αρχιτεκτονικής από τη μεσοχαλκή Μακεδονία: τα δεδομένα από τον Άγιο Μάμα Νέας Ολύνθου 945-953
Χριστίνα ΖΙΩΤΑ, Η δυτική Μακεδονία στην ύστερη τρίτη και στις αρχές της δεύτερης χιλιετίας π.Χ. Οι ταφικές πρακτικές και οι κοινωνικές τους διαστάσεις 955-967
Sevi TRIANTAPHYLLOU, Aspects of Life Histories from the Bronze Age Cemetery at Xeropigado Koiladas, Western Macedonia (poster) 969-974
Aikaterini PAPANTHIMOU, †Angeliki PILALI and Evanthia PAPADOPOULOU, Archontiko Yiannitson: A Settlement in Macedonia during the Late Third and Early Second Millennium B.C. (poster) 975-980
Λιάνα ΣΤΕΦΑΝΗ και Νίκος ΜΕΡΟΥΣΗΣ, Αναζητώντας τη Μέση Εποχή του Χαλκού στη Μακεδονία.Παλιές και νέες έρευνες στην Ημαθία (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 981-986
Ευτυχία ΠΟΥΛΑΚΗ-ΠΑΝΤΕΡΜΑΛΗ, Ελένη ΚΛΙΝΑΚΗ, Σοφία ΚΟΥΛΙΔΟΥ, Ευτέρπη ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ και Αναστάσιος ΣΥΡΟΣ, Η Μέση και η αρχή της Ύστερης Εποχής Χαλκού στην περιοχή του Μακεδονικού Ολύμπου (αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση) 987-993
Kyriaki PSARAKI and Stelios ANDREOU, Regional Processes and Interregional Interactions in Northern Greece during the Early Second Millennium B.C. (poster) 995-1003
Rozalia CHRISTIDOU, Middle Bronze Age Bone Tools from Sovjan, Southeastern Albania (poster) 1005-1012
Γαρυφαλιά ΜΕΤΑΛΛΗΝΟΥ, Η Μέση Χαλκοκρατία στα άκρα: η περίπτωση της Κέρκυρας 1013-1023
Christina MERKOURI, MH III/LH I Pottery from Vivara (Gulf of Naples, Italy). A Contribution to the Understanding of an Enigmatic Period 1025-1036
Conclusion 1037-1039
Tables des matières 1041-1046
1. Dickinson, O.T.P.K. 1989. 'The Origins of the Mycenaean Civilisation' Revisited. In R. Laffineur (ed.), TRANSITION. Le monde égéen du Bronze Moyen au Bronze Récent, Actes de la 2e Rencontre égéenne internationale de l' université de Liège, Aegaeum 3, Liège, 131-6.
2. Cf. papers in Felten, F., Gauss, W. and R. Smetana (eds.) 2007. Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms, Proceedings of the International workshop held at Salzburg, October 31st-November 2nd 2004. Wien. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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